Gun Laws by State

The United States Constitution

Second Amendment

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


          NRA News


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Gun laws vary from state to state, so if you are considering purchasing a hunting rifle, personal protection firearm, getting your CHL license and other sporting guns be sure to check the laws in your state. Laws can change every year, with every legislative session, so it is a good idea to check occasionally to see what new gun laws may be in effect.

What is Open Carry?

State to State Reciprocity of Concealed Carry Laws

If you plan on traveling to other states, it is a good idea to check the gun laws of the state that you are traveling to. Some states have "reciprocal" gun laws which means they acknowledge the laws of each others states. Some states DO NOT - so it is very important for you to know what you can bring across state lines. What you can carry in your vehicle also varies from state to state, so you need to check that issue also. For hunters in different states, permits and regulations are often specific to certain firearms. This website provides links to help you find out the laws in your state and other states. It is up to you to research and follow the laws in your state and the state you are traveling to. 

Check out the NRA's Guide to the
Interstate Transportation of Firearms


Ten Commandments of Gun Safety

Commandment 1: Treat every gun with respect. Assume every gun is a loaded gun. This is often referred to as the cardinal rule of gun safety.

Commandment 2: Carry only unloaded guns into your home, auto, or buildings. (Open the chamber and open the barrel to ensure gun is unloaded and that ammunition cannot be fired accidently.)

Commandment 3: Be sure your barrel and action are free from obstructions. Before loading, firing or even carrying your firearm, check your barrel, check the chamber. Be sure that your gun is in good condition before you use it. Never attempt to fire a gun that has an obstructed barrel. Firing an obstructed barrel can result in explosion and death.

Commandment 4: Carry your firearm so that you control the direction of the muzzle. By carrying your firearm correctly, you can be sure that even if you fall you have some sense of control over the direction your firearm is pointed.

Commandment 5: Be sure of your target before you pull your trigger. Never fire until you are sure of your target. There have been many instances of death or severe injury due to a hunter thinking he was shooting at an animal.

Commandment 6: Never point a gun at anything you don't want to shoot. Only point at your target when you are ready to shoot. Fingers off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

Commandment 7: Never leave your gun unattended. Children and others with little or no experience with guns can have fatal accidents.

Commandment 8: Never climb a tree or fence with a loaded gun. Use a rope to pull your unloaded firearm up or place your firearm on the other side of a fence before crossing.

Commandment 9: Never shoot at flat hard surfaces or water. The ricochet that could occur could be fatal.

Commandment 10: Never use a firearm while drinking. Just as drinking and driving is dangerous, using a firearm while drinking or intoxicated can be deadly.

Following these gun safety commandments will decrease chances of accidents or injury.



On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs - by LTC (RET)) Dave Grossman



Disclaimer: The links and content on this website are provided solely for the convenience of the public and is not intended to constitute a formal legal opinion or legal advice. You may wish to consult an attorney if you have any questions on gun laws in your state. By using this web site, the user acknowledges that he or she has read this disclainer.

 Gun Laws
